So I went to Julie and Julia tonight. It was a pretty cute show. It made me excited to take on new challenging tasks, made me want to blog (you are getting the benefits of that now), and I learned why guys dread going to 'chick flicks' with chicks... Holy crap. So I was sitting next to this woman (there was 1 seat between us) and she would audibly, "awww," whenever something cute, sad, romantic, etc was on the screen. I don't know how this isn't incredibly annoying to a normal person! And Julie and Julia wasn't like romantic comedy/chick flick. But it was in that it was about women taking charge of their life and the protagonists in the movie were two females, and both were in relationships, but holy crap, don't aww, so loudly that I can hear you 2 seats away. I mean you should enjoy the story and smile and laugh and maybe even aww a couple of times, but when you do it every 5-10 mins, it isn't endearing, it doesn't indicate that you think it is cute, just indicates that you are an annoying woman who I never want to sit next to in a movie again.
Anyways, it has been quite the summer for me. Actually I think this may have been one of the first movies I've seen in quite awhile. I've been travelling a lot. When I would talk with my parents my dad would ask, "Where are you going this weekend?" I went to Portland for a conference and my sister, nephew, Mom and Dad met me and we had a little vacation in Portland and Astoria. This is a picture of my sister, nephew, and I doing an amazing jumping shot at the Oregon Coast.

Over the 4th of July one of my best college friends came to visit. She is going to be a veterinarian in the army, so she was in Texas doing her training.

Also I went to New Hampshire for a super great wedding of Caitlin. It was so much fun, probably one of the best day long wedding celebrations I've been to. Here is more of the Scrippsie reunion!

Then I went to Tacoma, WA, for the wedding of Kristen. Thrower Pride. It was such a classic wedding, I swear it could have been in a movie! And I got to go to Mt. Rainier National Park.

Then I went to New Mexico for another conference, where I got excited for math and bio again and met up with some of my friends who live in New York. I've decided I have an affinity for men who study physics.. They are pretty great :). THEN I went to my 10 year hs reunion in Salt Lake and visited with my family and friends there.

It's been a pretty great summer.

It is kinda enjoyable to sit at home, sew (I'll post a picture of my dress when I've finished it), cook (I made delicious malted chocolate brownies the other day and watching Julie and Julia made me wanna go look through my cookbooks), do work (one day I will graduate, I even had a discussion with my bosses that was really fun and made me think that I liked grad school!) Anyways, things are going well and I just wanted to give y'all an update! OH and if you didn't know my little sister was famous! She found a Burmese python in our driveway and was on the news and in the newspaper and tells all about her experience on her blog ( - sorry I'm not cool enough to figure out how to make a link. AND she is coming to visit me over Labor Day, so excited!