I went to to california to do my alumni meet at the beginning of Feb. It was super fun. I was debating about not going this year, but I am glad I decided to go instead. It was also nice because I shared a hotel room with Kristen one night and Kristina the next night, so I was able to spend a lot of one on one time with both of them. I like my track friends.
Anyways so the meet went well. I didn't throw that amazing... but it has been 6 years and in college I wasn't ever a super star. But I did get my friend to film me on the one good throw I had. My coach said that it was about as good of form as I had in college. So that was nice to hear.
As you may have noticed I had short hair in that video. Yes it is true, I cut of 10+ inches and my hair is currently on my fridge in a plastic bag ready to donate to locks of love. I'll get around to it eventually.
Anyways, I'm glad I went down to Claremont for the alumni meet - even though it was kinda chilly. Here is a list of a few of the things I miss from college:
1. The Motley - it really is great to have a place to hang out, talk with friend, have a good drink, and stufy if you'd like to.
2. The dining halls - The dining halls on campus, esp on Scripps, really wasn't too bad. And I def like having food prepared for me everyday right when I want it when I'm done with work. I mean I do like to cook, but sometimes when you're just home and starving cooking food just isn't what you wanna do.
3. Living next door to all my friends. I like living by myself and having my own space, but having the oppportunity to be within a couple mins walking distance from all your friends is quite desirable.
4. Having a workout prepared for you everyday. I love being outside, and though I have a hard time doing my own work outs, I do love to lift weights. And track work outs really were pretty great.
5. The absurd amount of spoiling Scripps does - I walked through the new field house - HOLY CRAP! it is like a resort. I don't know how you wouldn't work out if you lived at Scripps now.
Well that's enough nostalgia for now - there is plenty of other things about Claremont and college that I like, which is why I get so excited when I meet someone who went to Pomona, Harvey Mudd, Pitzer, Claremont Mckenna, or Scripps. And luckily I have a chance to meet up with some 5C'ers every year. Here is a shout out to the alum and current CMS hammer throwers.

NICE movie!
Look at those sexy ladies! Hah! Now you have a blog I can randomly post almost anonymously on too! -TT
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