So my title was a lame attempt at sounding like a ghost haunting my apartment. But let's talk about how much fun it is to buy decorations and decorate the apartment! People are always so surprised that I decorate when I live by myself and have no kids... but I am going to enjoy my life in whatever stage I'm in... and I enjoy decorations. So this year I bought some new decorations - the tree, the 3 tombstones (they say beware, spells, and rest in pieces). I also bought a 'wooden sticks wound into a pumpkin decoration', but its the centerpiece of my table - so at a different part of the room and not in the picture. I think my little bit of halloween looks pretty good though. I think that it is funny how my decorations have become 'scarier' now that my garland of skeletons have lost some legs and feet and arms - can you see the skeleton lacking legs? It's like some horrific attack occurred in my closet where my decorations live - maybe I shouldn't keep the door closed all the time ;). Anyways, I'm excited for Halloween... maybe i'll let you in on my future celebratory plans!
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