Monday, December 20, 2010

Yearly update!

Happy Holidays! I hope you all have had a great 2010. A lot has happened to me during the past year. One big thing that happened was I finished school at Baylor College of Medicine. I am now a master of Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics. Basically, for my research project, I was using microscopes to get data on the protein that binds the hormone testosterone, and then trying to organize it so that I can analyze the data mathematically. Since I have finished school I have moved back to Salt Lake City (into a cute little apartment downtown), where I am currently a math instructor at Salt Lake Community College. This last semester I taught intermediate algebra, college algebra, and math for cosmetology and barbering students. It was kinda fun, kinda challenging, and definitely a learning experience. I just finished my grades for the semester and I have my next semester lined up where I will continue to try and learn how to teach! We’ll see how it goes…

Besides a road trip from Houston to Salt Lake (hitting San Antonio, Big Bend National Park, White Sands National Monument, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Santa Fe, Taos, Durango, and cities and sites all along the way), I did a little bit of traveling this last year. I went to New Orleans for a bachelorette party, to San Francisco to be the maid of honor at a friend from college’s wedding, to Colorado to go to Rocky Mountain National Park and go river rafting with friends from grad school, Oklahoma City to visit a friend from college, Jackson Hole to be the support vehicle for my sister as she raced in the bike race Lotoja, and then traveling here and there and exploring around Houston.

Other happenings – I’ve been doing sports: ultimate Frisbee, softball, snowboarding (already twice this season!), and a little running and biking (the hills in Salt Lake are killer). I got a new niece, she is very cute! Found a sacred harp singing group. Found some new restaurants and went to some concerts, and then I’ve also just been hanging out with some good friends and family. All in all, a pretty good year! I hope yours was too! And I hope to hear from you about your happenings of 2010 and the big plans you have for the New Year!

Key to pictures: Texas shaped sugar cookies I made for my going away party; Old Timey photo with Dad and Sister in Durango, CO; Friends and I at Rocky Mountain National Park, CO; walking down the aisle at my friend's wedding in Sonoma, CA; wearing a sombrero from a restaurant in Houston; With friends outside another restaurant in Houston before I moved away; in my mask for my friend's birthday masquerade ball; my halloween picture as a wood fairy; with my new niece (and her mom and her sister); with my sister outside the arch of elk antlers in Jackson Hole; with my sister in the hotel in West Texas outside of Big Bend National Park; after my painting class with my creation!

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